Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Cat as Laser Guided Missile

This morning I notice that the rubber-backed throw rug that rests just inside the front door is squooshed up against the wall in strange waves.

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Confessions of a Readaholic

Addicted to reading? Follow one reader's path on her way to author, from childhood to game design.

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The Cat as Environmentally Friendly Doorbell

Cats, teleportation, and alerts to visitor arrivals. Afghan demolition, fashion-forward guidance, and UPS trucks.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Cat as Cosmic Alarm Clock

So there I am, snoozing in the recliner, as I am wont to do at any hour when I'm tired enough to actually get some sleep. Then The Cat objects.

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Top 7 Newswire - Current News, Reader Polls, Compilation of Opinions

Compilation of news services and reader polls, opinion seeking and comparison. Updates every 30 minutes, selecting top 7 newswire items from a variety of sources.

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MRSA Superbug: What do YOU Believe?

Health news or hype? Real or a party line to excuse lax medical care in care facilities? What do YOU believe?

To quote CNN:

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- A dangerous, drug-resistant staph germ may be infecting as many as 5 percent of hospital and nursing home patients, according to a comprehensive study.

At least 30,000 U.S. hospital patients may have the superbug at any given time, according to a survey released Monday by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.

The estimate is about 10 times the rate that some health officials had previously estimated.

Some federal health officials said they had not seen the study and could not comment on its methodology or its prevalence. But they welcomed added attention to the problem.

"This is a welcome piece of information that emphasizes that this is a huge problem in health care facilities, and more needs to done to prevent it," said Dr. John Jernigan, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

At issue is a superbug known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which cannot be tamed by certain common antibiotics. It is associated with sometimes-horrific skin infections, but it also causes blood infections, pneumonia and other illnesses.

The potentially fatal germ, which is spread by touch, typically thrives in health care settings where people have open wounds. But in recent years, "community-associated" outbreaks have occurred among prisoners, children and athletes, with the germ spreading through skin contact or shared items such as towels.


Each week we issue a new challenge to state your beliefs on a current subject. Your participation, anonymous or otherwise, is welcome and appreciated.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Coffee, Caffeine, Java, Joe, Mud, Buzz Juice, Any way you say it, it's GOOD

A gathering of great information about coffee, caffeine, coffee origins, brewing, selecting equipment, decaf. How to select a coffee grinder or mill, and why. Tips for choosing the coffee that's best for you and your impeccable taste. What's on the author's coffee shelf now (and why). A fun read but educational, too.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Social networking works! Squidoo lenses on their way to top-notch fame.

Whether cooking in a big kitchen or in a tiny alcove, we all know the truth of things. You can NEVER have too much space or too many places to put things. Same goes for groups of lenses! And that's why Ratings Soup is here. Bring your lens, and get it listed here. Rate some other lenses (please rate at least one for each lens you bring to us).

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Noah's Ark Exists on the Side of Mt Ararat

Cosmic consciousness, creation legend, truth in history? Pipe dream?

What do you believe?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fun Geek Stuff and Ways to Raise your Cool Factor

Calculate your Cool Factor, vote on Cool Factor things, find some stuff to boost your Cool Factor, brag if you want. How much Cool Factor do you have? Heavy on the technology of Cool Factor, both current and retro, including some Vintage Cool Factor.

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Game Starting Secrets and Hints for Legends of Karinth

Tricks, hints, guidance and secrets for getting a great start with the game of Legends of Karinth, a well-established online roleplaying game. Flexibility and strategy are key to success, with patience a close second. Strong website and a wealth of help files provide a strong basis on which to make your gameplay decisions. Friendly staff!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Camping for the First Time? Need Gear and Advice? This is the place

Advice and recommendations for new or first-time campers. Articles of interest, places to look for good gear, things to take, things NOT to take. Expert advice and references. Written with the new camper in mind.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What Do You Believe about Politics?

Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, Independent, votes for Alfred E Newman every year? Of course there are political parties. What do you believe about them? (Personally, I'm a bit amused...)

Is the United States ready for a woman president? A non-Caucasian president? A Martian? Let's hear it. YOUR beliefs, not what someone else said you have to believe.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Micro-Green - Small Steps to a Greener Existence

Small steps to take toward a greener existence. The things we can do on an everyday basis to lower our impact on the environment and even save a bit of money doing so. Everything from the micro steps to the big major serious ones, and quite a few in between. Links to resources and other information.

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Getting Organized: I KNOW I Have It But Where Did I PUT It

Organizers both electronic and wooden, household and business, mental and physical. Social networking, network resources, books, sites, helpful tools.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

A simple step by step approach to crashed Macs.

Take these simple steps to determine if the Mac is crashed or just hiccuping. Take advantage of OS X and its nearly bulletproof state.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

What Do You Believe about Environment and Global Warming

Your contributions are what complete the picture. Please read the ground rules (first post) before commenting.
Thank you.

Two major camps seem to dominate this terrain.

The first would have you believe that the earth's environment is under immediate threat by technological contribution - automotive, industrial, commercial, residential - and that nothing short of an overnight reduction of our individual carbon footprints will save the earth from annihilation. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the earth.

The second camp would have you believe that the above-mentioned contributors are just that - contributors - and that the underlying cause of the ongoing global shifts is the sun. Those point to patterns of sunspot timing and climatological change, and see correlations back through the millenia.

There are other camps of varying intensity and generation. Recycling does not bind a person to one camp in particular.

What do YOU believe?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Ground Rules: READ THIS

The ground rules:

  • no hatred
  • no discrimination
  • no threats
  • no retaliations
  • no profanity in any language
  • no name-calling
  • no pornography
  • no illegalities
  • no patronizing attitudes
  • no terrorism
  • respect others' rights to their own beliefs
  • no commercialism
  • no spam

Much energy is put into telling people what to believe. This is not the purpose of this place. The purpose is to ask you what you believe.

So tell us. What do you believe?